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load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "info_file")

info_file(name, out, arch_strings, description, maintainer, os_min_ver, package_name,

Create an INFO file

The INFO file is the simple metadata k/v dict of the SPK: a number of key=value pairs that define attributes of the package.

This file is needed to inform the Synology NAS of the name and unique ID of the package, quote maintainers and distributors, and indicate architecture and OS constraints to install. I personally expect that the simple format of this file allows the UI to show install dialogs with minimal complexity.

Likely the reader will notice that the maintainer() block collects more information than it needs to for the INFO file: the additional URL is optional, but can help track down a maintainer if a user or collaborator needs to find them. This is not necessarily intended to be the upstream URL(s) of a project (ie github pages, docker URLs,etc) but is intended to be a valid URL that can help precisely identify where the preferred path to find that maintainer.

This implementation mimics the defaults from Synology's documentation so that the bare minimum attributes can be provided to unblock immediate progress.


(BUILD file)

load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "info_file", "maintainer")

    name = "chickenandpork",
    maintainer_name = "Allan Clark",
    maintainer_url = "",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

    name = "floppydog_info",
    package_name = "FloppyDog",
    description = "Provides the FloppyDog set of CLI tools for Great Justice",
    maintainer = ":chickenandpork",
    os_min_ver = "7.0-1",  # correct-format=[^\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-\d+){1,2}$]
    package_version = "1.0.0-1",

The INFO file generated by this looks similar to:

description="Provides the FloppyDog set of CLI tools for Great Justice"
maintainer="Allan Clark"

info_file() uses maintainer() to carry information about the package's maintainer: referring to a maintainer by target ID allows greatest re-use of a DRY data element, and should allow the author to associate a maintainer globally maintained in a dependency resource:


bazel_dep(name = "firehydrant_stuff", version = "1.2.3")


    name = "firehydrant_info",
    package_name = "FireHydrant",
    description = "A great Incident-Management resource made by SREs for SREs",
    maintainer = "@firehydrant_stuff//maint:robertross",
    os_min_ver = "7.0-1",  # correct-format=[^\d+(\.\d+){1,2}(-\d+){1,2}$]
    package_version = "1.0.0-1",

Ref: * Synology: INFO


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
out Name of the Info file, if INFO is not preferred (changing this is not recommended). Label optional None
arch_strings array of architectures (strings): [ "alpine", ...] (default: ["noarch"]). List of strings optional ["noarch"]
description Brief description of the package: copy-paste from the upstream if permissible. Although this is permitted be a looooong single-line string, it does display on the UIs to install a package, so brevity is still encouraged. String required
maintainer Maintainer of the build logic for the component (primary if multiple, a person) Label required
os_min_ver Earliest version of DSM that can install the package; ie "DSM 7.1.1-42962". There seems to be no handling of the extended hard-to-parse suffixes used by Synology such as "DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 6". String required
package_name Name of the package, unique within Synology SPKs, hopefully resembles external package name String required
package_version Version of the package; although I recommend semver-ish X.Y.Z-BUILDNUM, Synology describes as being any string of numbers separated by periods, dash, or underscore String required


load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "maintainer")

maintainer(name, maintainer_name, maintainer_url)

A simple wrapper for re-use and typing, this produces a Maintainer that can be used as an attribute to targets they maintain.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
maintainer_name - String required
maintainer_url - String optional ""


load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "privilege_config")

privilege_config(name, out, run_as_package, run_as_root)

A function (currently stubbed) to define a privilege configuration (conf/privilege) configuring packages installed in Synology.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
out - Label optional None
run_as_package - List of strings optional []
run_as_root - List of strings optional []


load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "protocol_file")

protocol_file(name, out, package_name, service_config)

The Protocol file is used as a wrapper/collector of service_configs: a building-block to generate the actual file as a buildable object for use in a Port Config resource. Format is an INI file, as discussed in the DSM_Developer_Guide_7_enu.pdf, section "Port" on p 128 in my copy (search for "Configure Format Template"). Effectively, it builds the file that is pointed-to by a port-config.protocol-file entry in a resource JSON file.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
out - Label optional None
package_name - String optional ""
service_config - List of labels optional []


load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "resource_config")

resource_config(name, resources, out)

A function to define a resource configuration (conf/resource) configuring packages installed in Synology.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
resources - List of labels required
out - Label optional None


load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "service_config")

service_config(name, description, dst_ports, port_forward, src_ports, title)

A function to define a service configuration (port-forward) for a package installed on Synology


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
description - String required
dst_ports - String required
port_forward - Boolean optional True
src_ports - String optional ""
title - String required


load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "usr_local_linker")

usr_local_linker(name, bin, etc, lib)

Configure a /usr/local Linker

The /usr/local linker is a Worker that softlinks payload binaries, libraries, and config files to bin, lib, and etc subdirectories in /usr/local on package start and removes on package stop. If the link or file pre-exists, /usr/local worker will unlink() those files, effectively overwriting. Any failure to pre-delete or create a link results in the process failing, triggering any rollback.


This will cause a softlink to be created in /usr/local/bin that points to /var/packages/<package>/target/bin/netfilter-mods:

load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "usr_local_linker")

    name = "softlinks",
    bin = ["netfilter-mods"],

There is currently no method of linking to a target with a different name: the underlying config that Synology doesn't offer that capability.

Ref: * Synology: /usr/local linker


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
bin binary paths to softlink into /usr/local/bin List of strings optional []
etc configfile paths to softlink into /usr/local/etc List of strings optional []
lib library paths to softlink into /usr/local/lib List of strings optional []


load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "confirm_binary_matches_platform")



Name Description Default Value




load("@rules_synology//:defs.bzl", "images")

images(name, src)


Name Description Default Value


